Medical School Text BooksHome > Store > Bookstore: Medical School See Also:
 | Review of Medical PhysiologyThe bestselling and most current medical physiology book revised every other year. Market: Medical Students, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant, Nursing and other health-related professions. MORE DETAILS |
 | PharmacologyA textbook for preclinical medical students and science students. It describes what drugs do and emphasizes the mechanisms by which they act. MORE DETAILS |
 | The Med School Survival Guide : How to Make the Challenges of Med School Seem Like Small StuffThe Med School Survival Guide advises readers on how to handle school, home, and the wards. Here is real-life advice and professional guidance for aspiring M.D.'s. The Med School Survival Guide shows you how to make it through medical school with your heart and soul intact. MORE DETAILS |
 | From High School to Med. School: The definitive guide to accelerated medical programs.Do you want to be a doctor? Accelerated medical (BA/MD) programs allow you to apply to medical school directly from high school. They are the Fastest! Cheapest! Easiest! way to get into medical school and guarantee your future! MORE DETAILS |
 | Kaplan MCAT Comprehensive Review with CD-ROM, 6th EditionKaplan's MCAT® Comprehensive Review with CD-ROM: Sixth Edition comes complete with a targeted review of all the tested material on the new MCAT plus Kaplan's highly effective test-taking strategies. With this powerful combination, MCAT Comprehensive Review is the best way for you to get the high MCAT score you need to get into medical school. MORE DETAILS |
 | Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2003The most comprehensive, reliable, and timely annual reference available to answer common questions in everyday clinical practice. The text covers all aspects of outpatient and inpatient care as well as the latest developments in medicine. MORE DETAILS |
 | Harrison's Principles of Internal MedicineThe most authoritative record of internal medicine as practiced by the leading experts in the field. You will automatically receive a 3 month FREE subscription to Harrison's Online 2.0 with your purchase of the HARRISON textbook. MORE DETAILS |