MBA Text BooksHome > Store > Bookstore: MBA See Also:
 | How to Get Into the Top MBA ProgramsProvides a detailed overview of the top MBA programs with sure-fire strategies for getting into the school of one's choice. MORE DETAILS |
 | ABC of Getting the MBA Admissions Edge (US) (officially supported by McKinsey & Co. and Goldman Sachs)A thorough and accessible reference guide to the MBA application process. Essential reading for candidates - a realistic view of the different programs, helping candidates to ask themselves the right questions. MORE DETAILS |
 | The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management: Quick Tips, Speedy Solutions, and Cutting-Edge IdeasThis guide presents managers and team members with proven techniques for managing projects, from establishing project objectives to building realistic schedule and cost projections. MORE DETAILS |
 | The Ten-Day MBA: A Step-By-step Guide To Mastering The Skills Taught In America's Top Business SchoolsThis revised edition includes updated sales, salary, and company information throughout. It also discusses areas such as the Internet, game theory, activity-based accounting, and advances in information technology. MORE DETAILS |
 | 88 Great MBA Application Tips & Strategies to Get You into a Top Business SchoolIts purpose is to help prospective candidates win acceptance at leading business schools by helping them better understand the admissions process and better prepare their applications. MORE DETAILS |
 | The Portable MBA in Finance and Accounting, 3rd EditionCovers all the essentials from break-even analysis to taking your company public. . .full of up-to-date financial and managerial information. MORE DETAILS |
 | Kaplan MCAT Workbook, Third EditionIn the MCAT® Workbook, Kaplan's MCAT® experts have compiled the most effective practice exercises along with Kaplan's highly effective test-taking strategies. Used by itself or in combination with Kaplan's MCAT® Comprehensive Review, this intensive workbook is specifically designed to help you build the critical skills you need to score higher on the new MCAT®. MORE DETAILS |