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Home > Library > Thesauri

  • Reference combines the best of both contemporary and classic reference works into the most comprehensive public reference library ever published on the web.

  • Germ
    You can search in three publicly available databases of English language; WordNet1.7, combined dictionary and thesaurus based on psycholinguistic research of Princeton University, from the year 2001, Roget's Thesaurus from the year 1911, and CODER database, which was a first electronic version of the Collins English Dictionary from the year 1979.

  • INGRID Library Thesaurus
    Allows direct term search with results hyperlinked to broader and narrower search terms. Available in English and Estonian.

  • Lexical Freenet
    A rich lexical toolbox, this program allows you to search for rhymes and relationships between words and concepts that might never have occurred to you before.

  • Roget's International Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases
    Mawson, C.O. Sylvester. 1922. Roget’s International Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases

  • Roget's Thesaurus
    Free online Roget's Thesaurus of the English Language.

  • Sybrina's Phrase Thesaurus
    Sybrina's Phrase Thesaurus is an electronic reference tool for creative writers of any genre. Great for anyone with a need to compose unique, descriptive phrases.

  • WordNet - a Lexical Database for English
    An online lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory. English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link the synonym sets.

  • WWWebster Thesaurus
    Provides a free, on-line dictionary (with audio pronunciations), thesaurus, Word of the Day, word games, and other English language resources.

  • Yahoo! Roget's II Thesaurus
    Roget's II: The New Thesaurus - an online searchable thesaurus brought to you by Yahoo! Reference.

  • Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Thesaurus Home Page
    The Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Thesaurus: A Guide to Concepts and Terminology in Substance Abuse and Addiction,Third Edition, 2000

  • Art and Architecture Thesaurus
    The Art & Architecture Thesaurus® (AAT)is a structured vocabulary for describing and indexing the visual arts and architecture.

  • The Astronomy Thesaurus
    A multilingual web interface to The Astronomy Thesaurus.

  • Babynames Thesaurus
    What does your name mean ? Get the answers in this site .This website would hopefully be an ideal one for all would-be parents and also for all those in search of meanings for their babies names, books and toys.

  • Eurodic Autom
    Eurodicautom is the European Commissions multilingual term bank. Eurodicautom covers a broad spectrum of human knowledge, but is particularly rich in technical and specialised terminology (agriculture, telecommunications, transport, legislation, finance) related to EU policy.

  • Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
    Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN), is a structured vocabulary of geographic names for indexing art and architecture.

  • Library of Congress Classification Schedules
    Outline of the Library of Congress Classification (Cataloging Policy and Support Office)

  • Library of Congress Thesauri

  • Maths Thesaurus
    The math thesaurus contains definitions of 4002 concepts, with 14583 cross-references between concepts.

  • NASA Thesaurus
    NASA Thesaurus


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